Updated December 2024
Overview of Subjects
*Scroll down for full list of approved courses*
African American History | Human Development and Family Studies |
African Languages and Literature | Industrial Relations |
Afro-American Studies | Integrated Liberal Studies |
Agriculture and Applied Economics | Interdisciplinary- CALS |
Air Force Aerospace Studies | Interdisciplinary – Engineering |
American Indian Studies | Interdisciplinary – Letters & Science |
Animal Science | International Business |
Anthropology | International Studies |
Art History | Italian |
Asian American Studies | Jewish Studies |
Chicana and Latina Studies | Journalism |
Classics | Languages and Cultures of Asia |
Communication Arts | Library & Information Studies |
Comparative Literature | Literature in Translation |
Counseling Psychology | Marketing |
Curriculum and Instruction | Medical History |
Dance | Music |
East Asian Literature and Languages | Nutritional Sciences |
Educational Policy | Pharmacy |
Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis | Political Science |
English | Population Health Sciences |
Entomology | Portuguese |
Environmental Studies | Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education |
Folklore Studies | Religious Studies |
French | Scandinavian Studies |
Gender and Women Studies | Slavic (Languages) |
General Business | Social Work |
Geography | Sociology |
German | Spanish |
Hebrew and Semitic Studies | Theatre and Drama |
History | Miscellaneous |
African American History
272 New Deal to New Right
African Languages and Literature
230 Introduction to Yoruba Language and Culture
277 Africa: An Introductory Survey
370 Islam: Religion and Culture
411 African Poetry
Afro-American Studies
154 Hip-Hop and Contemporary American Society
156 Black Music and American Cultural History
203 Introductory Topics in African Literature
225 Introduction to Black American Dramatic Literature
241 Introduction to Traditional African Art and Architecture
242 Introduction to Afro-American Art
243 African Diaspora Art History: Caribbean, Central & So America
265 African American Autobiography
271 Multiculturalism and Social Justice
671 Selected Topics in Afro-American History
672 Jazz Aesthetics
Agriculture and Applies Economics
474 Economic Problems of the Third World
479 Agricultural Development in Latin America*
Air Force Aerospace Studies
401 National Security Affairs and Preparation for Active Duty
American Indian Studies
100 Introduction to American Indian Studies
306 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment
Animal Science
370 Livestock Production and Health in Agricultural Development
104 Cultural Anthropology and Human Diversity
111 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
211 Global Language Issues
260 Latin America: An Introduction
262 Intro to Afro-American Literary Relations: African Diaspora*
265 Introduction to Culture and Health
277 Africa: An Introductory Survey
318 Peoples and Cultures of Africa
320 Culture Change and the Mexican People
326 Peoples of the Andes under Inca and Spanish rule*
327 Peoples of the Andes Today
328 Peoples and Cultures of Insular Southeast Asia*
349 Cultural Change*
350 Political Anthropology
357 Introduction to the Anthropology of Japan
365 Medical Anthropology
369 Peoples and Cultures of Central and Eastern Europe
428 Gender and Expressive Culture*
430 Language and Culture
441 Peoples & Cultures of European Parts of The Ex-Soviet Union*
448 Anthropology of Law
470 Ecological Anthropology
545 Psychological Anthropology
570 Anthropology and Education
645 Self and Other in Anthropological Analysis*
Art History
104 The Art of Diversity: Race and Representation in the Art and Visual Culture of the United States
201 Ancient and Medieval Art
202 Renaissance to Modern Art
203 Survey of Asian Art
208 Western Architecture: Renaissance to Modern
239 Making the American Landscape
346 World City: Representing London, 1750- The Present
349 The Architecture and Art of Cuba
351 20th Century Art in Europe
354 Cross-Cultural Arts around the Atlantic Rim: 1800 – Present
357 European Architecture: The Nineteenth Century
358 European Architecture: The Modern Movements
362 Arts of India*
370 Arts of China*
371 Chinese Painting*
372 Arts of Japan
377 African Art: Paleolithic to Rise of West African Empire*
378 African Art: West African Empire to the Start of Colonial Era
479 Art and History in Africa*
Asian American Studies
102 Introduction to Comparative US Ethnic and American Indian Studies
121 Asian American Movement
150 Literature & Culture of Asian America
160 Movement and Dislocation
240 Eating Asian America
240 Hmong Refugee History
560 Afro-Asian Improv: From Hip-Hop to Martial Arts Fusion
Chicana and Latina Studies
243 Colony, Nation, and Minority: The Puerto Rican’s World
436 Race, Class, and Colonialism in the Caribbean*
525 Dimensions of Latinx Mental Health
320 The Civilization of Ancient Greece
322 The Civilization of Ancient Rome
351 Gender and Sexuality in the Classical World
370 Classical Mythology
430 Topics in Classical Archeology
517 Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean
561 Greek and Roman Medicine and Pharmacy
Communication Arts
347 Race, Ethnicity, & Media (added 1/9/2015)
352 History of the World Cinema
373 Intercultural Communication & Rhetoric
455 French Film
456 Russian and Soviet Film
458 Global Media Cultures
655 German Film
Comparative Literature
203 Introduction to Cross-Cultural Literary Forms
205 Introduction to the Comparative Study of Race & Ethnicity
350/750 Magic Realism: Cultural Disruption Code
Counseling Psychology
225 Coming to Terms with Cultural Diversity (Intersectionalities, Self-Awareness, and Social Actions for Social Change
230 Race and the Developing Child
237 Mental Health, Self-Awareness, and Social Justice: Working in Diverse Communities
325 Student SEED
620 Student Success Institute (Taught by Hazel Symonette)
Curriculum and Instruction
375 Current Issues in Education: Power, Place, and Learning Seminar
537 Teaching Diverse Learners
657-003 Supporting Young Children Experiencing Homelessness in School
165 World Dance Cultures: Traditional to Contemporary
East Asian Literature and Languages
251 Chinese Civilization*
253 Introduction to Japanese Culture and Civilization
273 Religion in History and Culture: The East
336 Social and Intellectual History of China, 1400 BC-589 AD*
337 Social and Intellectual History of China, 589 AD-1919*
338 Social and Intellectual History of China, 1991-1949*
351 Survey of Chinese Literature
353 Survey of Japanese Literature
355 Arts of China*
357 Arts of Japan
364 Introduction to Buddhism
520 Popular Culture and Film in Twentieth Century China
Educational Policy
200 Race, Ethnicity, and Education in American Public School
210 Youth, Education, and Society
335 Globalization and Education
423 Education for Global Change
460 Immigration, Education, and Equity
Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
502 Beyond the Game Series: Undergraduate Student Identity Development
502 Beyond the Game Series: Navigating Intersecting Identities for Undergraduates
940 Diversity in Higher Education
223 Vladimir Nabokov: Russian and American Writings
248 Migration, Memory, and Mermaids: Caribbean American Women’s Writings
270 A Survey of Asian American Literature
319 Language, Race, and Identity
332 Global Spread of English
401 Race, Sex, & Texts
510 Selected Major British / Irish Poets
524 Indian Writers Abroad: Literature, Diaspora and Globalization
538 British Drama, 1914 to present
595 Asian American Women Writers
672 Jazz Aesthetics
203 Introduction to Global Health
Environmental Studies
113 Environmental Studies: The Humanistic Perspective
239 Making the American Landscape
306 Indigenous Peoples and the Environment
307 Literature of the Environment: Speaking for Nature
668 Green Politics: Global Experience, American Prospects
Folklore Studies
100 Introduction to Folklore
210 The African Storyteller
240 Immigration and Expression
248 Ethnic Studies in the French / Francophone World(s)
313 Professional Communication & Culture in Francophone World
314 Contemp Francophone Issues in Gvt, Orgs, & Enterprise
315 Adv Interdisciplinary Studies in French Professional Comm
322 Introduction to Literature of Modernity
325 Visual Culture in French / Francophone Studies
348 Modernity Studies
440 African / Francophone Film
450 French-Canadian and “Quebecois” Novels
454 Modern African Prose and Poetry in French
465 French / Francophone Film
Gender and Women Studies
102 Gender, Women, & Society in Global Perspective
200 Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies
322 Women and the Life-Cycle: A Cross-cultural Perspective*
325 Global Feminism
351 Gender and Sexuality in the Classical World
367 Art & Visual Culture: Women of the African Diaspora & Africa
410 Women in the Arts*
416 Women in Medieval Society
420 Women in Cross-Societal Perspective
424 Women’s Internal Human Rights
523 Women, Poverty & Family Survival: Cross Cultural Persp.
535 Women’s Global Health and Human Rights
664 Women in the Global Economy
General Business
320 International Communications in Business
399 Student SEED
120 Global Physical Environments
140 World Regions: Concepts and Problems*
239 Making the American Landscape
244 Introduction to Southeast Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines
252 The Civilizations of India-Modern Period
253 Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey
254 Eastern Europe; An Interdisciplinary Survey
277 Africa: An Introductory Survey
309 People, Land, & Food: Compar Study of Agricultural Systems*
339 Environmental Conservation
340 World Regions in Global Context
348 Latin America*
349 Europe
355 Africa, South of the Sahara
358 China and Southeast Asia*
501 Space and Place: A Geography of Experience
506 Historical Geography of European Urbanization
519 Environment, and Human Experience
537 Culture and Environment
538 The Humid Tropics: Ecology, Subsistence, and Development
548 Problems in the Geography of Latin America*
549 Historical Geography of Western Europe
558 Social Geography of Asian Cities in Comparative Perspectives*
221 Introduction to German Literature and Culture
267 Yiddish Song and the Jewish Experience
278 Topics in German Culture and Civilization
305 Literatur des 20 und 21. Jahrhunderts
362 Topics in German Literature
410 Kultur 1648-1918
411 Kultur des 20. Jahrhunderts
510 German-Jewish Culture Since the 18th Century
518 Anti-Semitism in European Culture, 1700-1945*
960 Deutsch als globale Sprache
Hebrew and Semitic Studies
343 Israeli Fiction in Translation
351 Religions of the Ancient Near East
356 Zionism in Thought, Culture & Lit from Inception to the State*
377 Jewish Cultural History (In English)
378 Jewish Cultural History II*
473 Jewish Civilization in Medieval Spain
103 Introduction to East Asian History: China
104 Introduction to East Asian History: Japan
106 Invasions & Empires: Central Asia from Khan to Stalin*
110 The Ancient Mediterranean
115 Medieval Europe 410-1500
119 The Making of Modern Europe 1500-1815
120 Europe and the Modern World 1815 to the Present
138 Intro to History of Eastern Mediterranean & Muslim Worlds
139 The Middle East in the Twentieth Century*
142 History of South Asia to the Present
239 Making the American Landscape
241 Latin America from 1781-1940
242 Modern Latin America: 1898 to the Present
244 Introduction to South East Asia: Vietnam to the Philippines
245 Chicana and Latina History
251 Jews, Greeks, and Romans*
252 Civilization of India- Modern Period
253 Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey
260 Latin America: An Introduction
265 An Intro to Central Asia: From Silk Route to Afghanistan
267 Asian Religions in Global Perspective
279 Afro-Atlantic Histories and Peoples, 1808-Present
283 Ho-Chunk History
297 African and African-American Linkages: an Introduction
306 The World of Alexander the Great*
310 Mediterranean Cities: A Cross-Cultural Approach*
319 The Vietnam Wars
339 History of Spain and Portugal to 1700*
347 Introduction to the History of Caribbean Societies
371 The Modern Arab World*
375 The Middle East in World Affairs since 1900*
376 History of Africa to 1500*
377 History of Africa, 1500-1870
392 Women In History
429 Russian Social and Intellectual History*
436 Race, Class & Colonialism in the Caribbean
439 Islamic History from Origins of Islam to Ottoman Empire
440 History of North Africa
441 Revolution and Conflict in Modern Latin America
457 History of Southeast Asia to 1800
458 History of Southeast Asia since 1800
471 Contemporary Societies*
475 European Cultural History Since 1870
490 American Indian History
515 History, Jewish Studies, Curriculum, & Instruction
533 Multiracial Societies in Latin America
548 Islam in the History and Culture of South Asia
Human Development and Family Studies
474 Racial and Ethnic Families in the US
Industrial Relations
628 Comparative Industrial Relations in Developed Countries*
629 Comparative Industrial Relations in Developed Countries*
Integrated Liberal Studies
199 Student SEED
203 Western Culture: Literature and the Arts I
204 Western Culture: Literature and the Arts II
207 History of Western Culture I*
208 History of Western Culture II*
209 Introduction to Global Cultures
252 Contemporary Life Sciences
271 Precopernican Astronomy & Cosmology: A Cross Cultural Perspective
Interdisciplinary – CALS
350 World Hunger and Malnutrition
472 Land Tenure in Africa: Theories, Policy and Practice*
Interdisciplinary – Engineering
413 Current Issues in International Engineering
Interdisciplinary – Letters & Science
152 Ways of Knowing in Medicine and Society
480 Junior Honors Seminar: Diversity Dialogues and Leadership Facilitation
480 Culturally Responsive Science Communication
International Business
365 Professional Development in International Business
International Studies
101 Introduction to International Studies
317 Politics of Human Rights
318 Comparative Study of Genocide
320 Culture and the Global Workplace
320 CRC Global: A Dominican Republic Service Learning Experience
374 The Growth & Development of Nations in the Global Economy
523 Culture and Global Workplace
678 Global Aids Interdisciplinary Perspective
322 Intro to Italian Literature
Jewish Studies
258 The Jews, States, and Citizenship: A Sociological Perspective
367 Israeli Fiction in Translation
371 Topics in Jewish Civilization
162 Mass Media in Multicultural America
620 International Communication
Landscape Architecture
239 Making the American Landscape
Language and Cultures of Asia
100 Introduction to Cultures of Asia.
106 Invasions & Empires: Central Asia from Kahn to Stalin*
140 Asia in the Age of Imperialism, Nationalism and Globalization*
205 The Making of the Islamic World: The Middle East, 500-1500
251 The Civilizations of India: Classical Period*
252 The Civilizations of India: Modern Period
266 Introduction to the Middle East
361 Survey of Indonesian Cultures
364 Introduction to Buddhism
413 Turkish Literature in Translation
416 Introductions to Religions of South Asia*
420 Hinduism and Islam in Medieval South Asia*
423 Buddhist Iconography*
428 Visual Cultures of South Asia
441 Language and Society in Southeast Asia
443 History of Painting in India*
444 Introduction to Sufism (Islamic Mysticism)
459 Islamic Culture: Meanings and History
615 Writing Travels
621 Mapping, Making, and Representing Colonial Spaces
623 Yoga: Methods and Goals
624 Meditation in Indian Buddhism and Hinduism
625 Sanskrit and Asian Cultures*
626 Gods and Goddesses of South Asia
660 History of Buddhism & Buddhist Social Institutions*
Library & Information Studies
202/210 Informational Divides in a Multicultural Society
461 Data & Algorithms: Ethics and Policy
640 Tribal Libraries, Archives, and Museums
640-004 Services to Diverse Communities (online)
Literature in Translation
205 Women in Russian Literature in Translation
211 Modern Indian Literatures in Translation
214 Literatures of Central Asia in Translation
216 Polish Literature in Translation: Late 19th & 20th Centuries*
219 The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia in Literature*
220 Chekhov in Translation
222 Dostoevsky in Translation
224 Tolstoy in Translation
226 Introduction to Luso-Afro-Brazilian Literature
234 Soviet Life and Culture Through Literature and Art (from 1917)
239 Russia Today in Literature and Film in Translation
240 Soviet Literature in Translation
242 Polish Culture and Literature in Translation*
250 Literature in Trans: Twentieth Century French Masterpieces
270 German Women Writers in Translation
301 Modern Indonesian Literature in Translation
304 Southeast Asian Literature in Translation
313 Turkish Literature in Translation
340 In Translation: Contemporary Scandinavian Literature
349 In Translation: Modern Scandinavian Drama
360 French and Italian Renaissance Literature – online course
443 Masterpieces of Russian Drama in Translation
450 Structuralist & Post-Structuralist Thought in France*
455 Modern Serbian and Croatian Literature in Translation
549 Modern Indian Theatre
724 Strategic Global Sourcing (Graduate Level Course)
Medical History
213 Medical History and Bioethics
553 International Health and Global Society
558 Ethical Issues in Health Care
103 Intro to Music Cultures of World: Non-Western World Music
202 Delta Blues
203 American Ethnicities and Popular Song
361 Nonwestern Music Performance: Study Groups
377 Cultural Cross Currents: W. African Dance/Music in Americas
400 Music Cultures of the World: Africa, Europe, the Americas*
401 Musical Cultures of the World
402 Musical Cultures of the World
403 Music Cultures of the World: China, Korea, and Japan*
404 Music of SE Asia: Tradition, Innovation, Politics, & Religion
Nutritional Sciences
203 Introduction to Global Health
350 World Hunger and Malnutrition
S&A PHM 490 Health Equity and Social Justice
Political Science
120 Introduction to Comparative Politics (previously 106)
231 Politics in Multicultural Societies
253 Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey
261 Introduction to Latin American Politics*
316 Principals of International Law
324 Political Power in Contemporary China
340 The European Union: Politics and Political Economy
368 Special Topics in the Politics of Developing Areas*
400 Introduction to Middle East Politics
570 Literature and Politics
611 Comparative Political Economy
620 West. Europ. Political Systems: Germany & Rel. Countries*
621 Western European Political Systems–France and Italy*
627 The British Political System
630 Latin American Politics
634 State and Nation in Post-Soviet Politics *
639 Politics of Southeast Asia
651 Politics of South Asia
652 Politics of Development
655 Politics of Cultural Pluralism and National Integration*
658 Nationalism & Social Change: E. Europe and Adjacent Areas*
659 Politics and Society: Contemporary Eastern Europe
660 African Politics
661 Advanced Topics in African Politics*
Population Health Sciences
370 Introduction to Public Health: Local to Global Perspectives
361 Portuguese Civilization
362 Brazilian Civilization
363 Historical and Cultural Traditions of Portugal
364 Historical and Cultural Traditions of Brazil
413 Portuguese Poetry
414 Brazilian Poetry
443 Literature of South Brazil
446 Modern Portuguese Novel
450 Brazilian Women Writers
470 Modern Brazilian Novel
Rehabilitation Psychology & Special Education
100 Disability and Society
300 Individuals with Disabilities
Religious Studies
103 Religion and Sexuality
271 Religion in History and Culture: The West
273 Religion in History and Culture: The East
379 Islam in Iran
615 Sociology of Religion*
618 Political Islam
622 Cross-Cultural Spread of World Religions
Scandinavian Studies
251 Readings in Norwegian Literature
261 Readings in Swedish Literature
271 Readings in Danish Literature
276 Scandinavian Life and Civilization
374 Masterpieces of Scandinavian Lit: The Twentieth Century
420 The Woman in Scandinavian Literature
425 Knut Hamsun and the 20th Century Norwegian Novel
427 Contemporary Scandinavian Literature
432 History of Scandinavian Since 1815
434 The Art of Isak Dinesen / Karen Blixen
437 Modern Scandinavian Drama
443 Sami Culture, Yesterday and Today
Slavic (Languages)
242 Literatures and Cultures of Eastern Europe
243 Russian Life and Culture*
253 Russia: An Interdisciplinary Survey
254 Eastern Europe: An Interdisciplinary Survey
285 Slavic Culture in Context
302 Zarys historii literatury polskiej
317 Central European Cultures*
325 Eastern Christianity/Russian Orthodoxy in a Global Context
439 Russia Today in Literature and Film
444 Slavic and Eastern European Folklore*
449 Istorija srpske I hrvatske literature
454 Moderna srpska I hratska literature
456 Masterpieces of Russian Drama
Social Work
640 Social Work and Ethnic and Racial Groups
134 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity in the United States
140 Introduction to Community and Environmental Sociology
170 Population Problems
220 Ethnic Movements in the US
496 Topics on Sociology
532 Health Care Issues for Individuals, Families, & Society
614 Social Structures of Muslim Societies
618 Comparative Rural Societies*
620 Comparative Racial Inequality
627 Comparative Social Structure in Africa*
630 Sociology of Developing Societies/Third World
634 Social Structure of India
646 Race and Ethnic Relations
648 Sociology of Education
663 Population and Society
677 Urbanism and Urbanization
223 Introduction to Hispanic Culture
224 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures
322 Survey of Early Spanish Literature
324 Survey of Modern Spanish Literature
326 Survey of Spanish American Literature
361 Spanish Civilization
363 Spanish American Civilization
453 Literature of the Twentieth Century
456 Topics in Spanish Literature
459 Mexico in the Chicano and Chicana Imagination
460 Literatura Hispanoamericana
461 The Spanish American Short Story
462 Spanish American Theater and Drama
463 The Spanish American Novel
464 Spanish American Poetry and Essay
465 Literature and Film in Spanish America
469 Topics in Hispanic Culture
Theatre and Drama
326 Introduction to Asian Performance*
351 Fundamentals of Asian Stage Discipline
353 Javanese Performance
420 Theatre and Society
424 Contemporary World Theatre and Dramatic Literature
432 History of western Theatrical Dance*
526 The Theatres of China and Japan
Queer Emerging Leaders Program (QUELP)
MHB 919 A Historiography of Disability