Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, And 2 Spirit (MMIWG2S): A Crisis Rooted In The Continuation of Colonial Injustice

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Health Sciences Learning Center, Room 1345
@ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm

The Native American Center for Health Professions (NACHP) is pleased to announce their upcoming Distinguished Lecture Series featuring Jeneile Luebke, PhD, RN (Bad River). This lecture series is sponsored by the Indians into Medicine (INMED), Indian Health Service grant.

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, And 2 Spirit (MMIWG2S): A Crisis Rooted In The Continuation of Colonial Injustice

The talk focuses on the intersections of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women/Relatives (MMIW/R) that impact health and wellbeing of Indigenous people and their communities including historical and contemporary roots of the MMIW/R crisis; practice implications for helper/ healer professions when working with survivors and their families; what the Wisconsin MMIW/R Taskforce is doing to address it.


Monday, June 24, 2024 

11:30 am – 1:00 pm CT  

In-Person and Virtual Lecture, Q & A to follow

Click HERE for in-person registration

Click HERE for Virtual Registration