OIE x DCC: Pleasure Activism and Disability Joy

Red Gym, On Wisconsin AB
@ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

This workshop will engage students in meaningful discussions and activities around the intersection of pleasure activism and disability justice. Through this program, participants will explore how pleasure can be a form of resistance and empowerment for individuals with disabilities and in other historically marginalized communities, challenging societal narratives and promoting inclusive practices.

Visiting Scholars Program Lecture Series: Lesbian-Homoville, CO – Relocating the Origins of the Anti-Queer Movement

A lecture by Jennifer Holland, University of Oklahoma
8108 Sewell Social Sciences
@ 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Jennifer L. Holland is the Sara Louise Welch Chair & the L.R. Brammer, Jr. Presidential Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma, specializing in histories of gender, sexuality, conservative politics, and the American West. Her current book project, Straightening Out: A History of Anti-Queer Politics in Rural America, tells the story of the anti-LBGTQ+ movement in the American West, explaining how rural places, not suburban ones, became the bedrocks of social conservatism in the US.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Dreaming with Grit Featuring Saul Flores

American Family Insurance - DreamBank 821 East Washington Avenue Madison, WI 53703
@ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

DreamBank is honored to welcome our vibrant community of dreamers to a very special Hispanic Heritage Month celebration! Centered around a powerful message from keynote speaker, Saul Flores, guests are invited to savor traditional dishes from local-favorites, Mi Casa Es Tu Casa and La Taguara, and enjoy spirited music and dancing by Rebulú Group as we honor the rich cultural heritage of the Hispanic community.

An Evening with Lalo Alcaraz

L140 Conrad A. Elvehjem Building
@ 6:00 pm

Chican@ & Latin@ Studies, Anonymous Fund, Multiple Departments Cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz will dialogue about art and politics with art historian Tatiana Reinoza (Notre Dame). A finalist for the 2020 and 2021 Pulitzer Prize and winner of the 2022 Herb Block Prize for his editorial cartoons, Alcaraz is the creator of the nationally syndicated daily comic strip, "La Cucaracha”. He is also a writer, producer, and cultural consultant in Hollywood. He owns Pocho Villa Productions, a company which produces animation and public service announcements for various state agencies and organizations.

OIE x USS: Domestic Violence and Awareness

Red Gym, MSC Lounge
@ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

This workshop will engage students in meaningful discussions and activities around the intersection of pleasure activism and disability justice. Through this program, participants will explore how pleasure can be a form of resistance and empowerment for individuals with disabilities and in other historically marginalized communities, challenging societal narratives and promoting inclusive practices.

Designed to Fail: Why Racial Equity in School Funding Is So Hard to Achieve

@ 12:00 pm

Lunch and Learn Talk by Roseann Liu In this talk, Liu will provide an inside look at the Pennsylvania state legislature and campaigns for fair funding to show how those responsible for the distribution of school funding work to maintain the privileges of majority-white school districts. Join via Zoom: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/97529362610?pwd=L3NDaEtqd0huc05QNUpBV2ZPQzRrUT09#success