Parents & Guardians
Parents and guardians play an integral part in encouraging a student to get involved during their time at the University.

Involvement Workshops
Involvement is an integral part in a student's Wisconsin Experience.

Student Organization Fair
The Student Organization Fair is an interactive fair for students to find out information about and make connections with Registered Student Organizations.

Opportunities are abundant for students looking to get involved both on and off campus. Whether you are interested in joining a student organization, finding research and internship opportunities, having on-campus jobs, playing intramurals and rec sports, participating in volunteering/service learning or studying abroad, UW-Madison has something for you!
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
How do I get involved?
There are many ways to get involved, here are a few are a few suggestions for a place to start:
- Check out the Involvement Opportunities section of our website
- Attend the Student Organization Fair
- Join CfLI on Facebook
- Follow our Tweets on Twitter
- Check out the WIN events calendar
- Check out the UW events calendar
- Get connected to other departments and schools/colleges involvement opportunities through:
- Mass email lists
- Facebook pages
- Twitter feeds
- Newsletters
- Website
Who can I speak to for assistance with getting involved?
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it important to get involved?
There are lots of benefits to getting involved including, but not limited to:
- Helps a large institution feel smaller
- Figure out one’s calling or career path
- Admission to school/college, graduate school & scholarship opportunities
- Increases chance for internships and other leadership opportunities
- More likely to stay in college
- Eligible for Leadership Certificate Program
- Gain skills & abilities that make one more marketable to future employers
How many things should I get involved in?
Every student is different in terms of what they are able to commit to outside of course work and other obligations. We recommend students who are new to campus try to get involved in two things: one thing they had been involved with before coming to campus and one thing that is a completely new experience for them.
When is the best time to get involved?
While it’s never too late to get involved, however 67% of first year students wished they had been more involved after their first semester on-campus.*
Will being involved negatively affect my grades?
Over 90 % of UW students surveyed stated their grades were either not affected or went up from being involved.*
Can involvement help me academically?
69 % of UW students surveyed stated they gained experience/skills relevant to their academic major.*
Can involvement help me in the “real world”?
85 % of UW students surveyed stated involvement provided skills and abilities that will be used after college.*
What if I can’t find what I’m looking for?
Create it! Click here to learn more about student organization eligibility.
How do I track my involvement?
Check out the Leadership & Involvement Record to learn how to track your involvement you are a student on campus!
What have UW students surveyed gained from being involved?
- 94 % Met people who they otherwise would not have met*
- 78 % Satisfaction with collegiate experience*
- 78 % Communication skills*
- 75 % Ability to work as a team*
- 70 % Self-confidence*
- 67 % Leadership skills*
- 64 % Time management skills*
- 61 % Critical thinking/problem-solving skills*
*Based on UW-Madison’s 2012 NASPA Consortium Campus Activity Student Survey Data.
Are you a parent or guardian with more specific questions? Please check out our Parent Resources page