Fall 2024 Student Organization Fair
Tuesday, September 10th & Wednesday, September 11th
5:00pm – 8:00pm
Kohl Center
Download the Wisconsin Welcome App
The Student Organization Fair is an opportunity for your group to promote and publicize your organization to UW-Madison students and to connect with other student organizations who you may work with throughout the year.
Additional Fair Information for RSO Leaders
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Fall 2024 Student Organization Fair Polices
Please note: If any of these rules are violated, the Center for Leadership & Involvement (CfLI) reserves the right to remove your organization from the fair and bar participation at further fairs.
- Student Organizations are expected to attend the entirety of the Student Organization Fair from 4:30-8:00pm (fair begins at 5:00pm, see #5) on Tuesday, September 10th and Wednesday, September 11th at the Kohl Center. Student Organizations must enter the Kohl Center through Gate B. All participants and attendees will be required to go through security to enter the venue. You are still able to bring in your tabling materials, backpacks, and computers. Please account for this extra time when planning your arrival time.
- The CANCELLATION DEADLINE will be two weeks before the first day of the fair, on August 27th at 11:59pm. All cancellations must be submitted to rsoevents@studentaffairs.wisc.edu. Those organizations that do not cancel by the deadline or who are a “no show” on the day of the fair without prior notification WILL NOT be permitted to be a part of the Spring 2025 or Fall 2025 Student Organization Fairs.
- Each organization will be given a single 6 or 8-foot table. These tables are made of plywood or plastic: please bring a tablecloth or piece of fabric to cover the table if interested, a cover will not be provided.
- Tables must remain set in place and should not be moved from the original set-up location.
- Please enter the fair through Gate B on Dayton Street to have your Wiscard scanned, after doing so the org may proceed to its assigned table. The organization’s leader will receive the table placement ahead of time. If your organization is not present at your assigned table by 4:30pm, you will lose your table and privileges to participate in the Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 fairs. Please arrive in enough time to have your Wiscard scanned and make it to your table by 4:30, or staff will assume you are a “no show” and give your table away. Please arrive at Gate B between 3:30 and 4:15pm.
- Each organization is allowed a maximum of 2 representatives to work the table at any point during the fair. These 2 representatives can be any member of the organization. If more than 2 individuals are staffing the table, your organization WILL be asked to leave. These limits are in place to help with flow of traffic.
- Organization materials may only be handed out from the assigned table for the organization.
- There must be a student at the table at all times throughout the fair. Advisors or non-students may not staff the table alone. If no one is staffing the table for an extended period of time and only information is left at the table, the information will be removed and the space will be given to someone else. Please contact rsoevents@studentaffairs.wisc.edu if you have extenuating circumstances, and an arrangement may be made.
- Students may have capped/lidded beverages and food for themselves but may not have them as a handout to fair attendees.
- The following items are NOT allowed
- No food allowed
- Prepackaged candy is acceptable
- Prepackaged food or snacks are not allowed as handouts
- Beverages are not allowed as handouts
- No stickers, candles, incense, confetti, or balloons
- No tents
- No weapons or weapon like items
- No vehicles or drones
- No wheeled riding objects (skateboards, roller blades, bikes, etc.)
- No amplified music
- No live animals/organisms
- Do not tape any materials to walls or windows in the Kohl Center
- Any students with medical concerns that would require seating should contact rsoevents@studentaffairs.wisc.edu to make accommodations. Otherwise, chairs will not be provided. Chairs can not be moved from inside the Kohl Center arena. You may bring your own folding/lawn chairs with you.
- Your organization may not allow a corporate sponsor to use your table for promoting. This includes raffles, free coupons for services, or actual products. Any organization participating in such an act would be in violation of the UW policy 6012 and could be subject to sanctions through the Committee on Student Organizations.
- Only the organization named on the directory and who has reserved the space may be in attendance at the fair. Tables may not be given to another organization and space cannot be shared with another organization. Only organizations allotted a table at the fair by CfLI will be allowed to participate.
- At the conclusion of the fair, remember to take with you your table displays and pick up any trash in your area.
Please note: If any of these rules are violated, the Center for Leadership & Involvement (CfLI) reserves the right to remove your organization from the fair and bar participation at further fairs.
Request a Table at the Fair
Only an active registered student organization’s (RSO’s) Primary Contact (PC) can register an RSO for a spot at the fair.
Determining Organization Status
If your organization is searchable from the Organizations tab in the Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN), the organization is active.
If your organization is not searchable in WIN, please contact the Center for Leadership & Involvement Front Desk (608.263.0365 or cfli@studentaffairs.wisc.edu) to determine appropriate steps to have an active organization.
Determining and Updating RSO Primary Contact
An RSO’s PC can be determined by visiting the organization’s page in WIN, scrolling down to the officers and clicking on the Full Roster button. The primary contact will be listed at the top of the roster page.
A current required contact (Primary, Second/Financial, Third, or Fourth contact) can login to WIN, go to the organization’s Manage/Action Center page, select the hamburger (3 horizontal lines) in the top left corner and then select Roster. The PC can be changed by clicking the blue pencil on the PC card and replacing with another individual who is on the organizations roster in WIN. Here are additional instructions (look under “Establishing a Primary Contact”).
Only current Primary Contacts will be able to access and complete the Spring 2024 Organization Fair signup form.
Table Request Form
The table request form for Fall 2024 will open on Tuesday, April 9th at 10am(CT) here.
An organization’s sign-up form will be in ‘pending’ status until space becomes available at the fair.
If space is available, an organization will be able to have a table in the Fall 2024 Fair and the organization’s indicated fair contact person in the table request form will receive an email. This form’s status will change from ‘pending’ to ‘approved’ in WIN. The form completer will also receive a message in their WIN Message Inbox.
Open Tables
Similar to previous years, there is a potential to assign active RSOs to open tables on the first day of the fair, Tuesday, September 10th. RSOs who receive an open table on Tuesday will also have that same table reserved on day two. Additional open tables will not be assigned on Wednesday, September 11th.
Organizations who receive an open table assignment are expected to follow all Org Fair Policies listed above, including participation for the full event both evenings, from 5:00pm – 8:00pm.
An open tables sign up list will be available at Gate B beginning at 4:00pm. Open tables are assigned on a first to arrive/sign up, first to be offered basis.
In order to be eligible for an open table, a group must be an active RSO (searchable in WIN) and have not had an Org Fair Policy violation in the past two semesters.
Open tables inside the Kohl Center will not be able to be determined until 5:00pm.
Event Map & Directory
Additional questions?
Please contact the Center for Leadership & Involvement Student Organization Fair Intern at rsoevents@studentaffairs.wisc.edu.