- Purpose
- What We Fund
- Deadlines
- Event Eligibility
- Structured Learning
- Funding Limits
- Application Process
- Download Logo
- Contact
The Wisconsin Experience Grant (WEG) supports educational events held by Registered Student Organizations that are free and open to all students and/or have the potential for campus wide impact.
The WEG budget is funded by the Chancellor’s Office, Division of Student Life, Provost’s Office, and Vice Chancellor for Administration in recognition of the vital role which Registered Student Organizations play in enriching the campus through their events and activities.
WEG is centrally administered through the Center for Leadership and Involvement (CfLI). The mission of CfLI is to cultivate and engage students through practical leadership skill development and involvement experience. To that end, CfLI provides assistance for Registered Student Organizations.
Events must provide out-of-class learning experiences that further The Wisconsin Experience by developing a more inclusive, respectful, and healthier campus environment.
The Wisconsin Experience describes what’s unique about getting a degree from UW–Madison — together, we create and apply learning inside and outside the classroom to make the world a better place.
UW–Madison produces graduates who are creative problem solvers, able to integrate empirical analysis and passion, seek out and create new knowledge and technologies, adapt to new situations, and engage as world citizens. Check out learning opportunities related to The Wisconsin Experience here.
Events must include a Structured Learning Component directly related to one of the Core Values of The Wisconsin Experience.
Empathy and Humility
Relentless Curiosity
Intellectual Confidence
Purposeful Action
Core Values of The Wisconsin Experience are inquiry-based, high-impact practices that characterize the intentional integration of in- and out-of-class learning, by creative and entrepreneurial engagement in real world problems, and through active student leadership. Check out more about The Wisconsin Experience and associated Essential Learning Outcomes here.
The Wisconsin Experience Grant funds Registered Student Organization requests for up to $2,000 per year to support eligible events.
All funds must be paid directly to an approved vendor. WEG will not reimburse any purchases made by an individual or organization.
RSOs are also encouraged to seek out additional funding options and apply for al eligible funding for their event. Visit the RSO Finances Page for additional grant and funding opportunities.
Items eligible for WEG funding include:
1) Food – up to $1,500 may be requested for food
WEG is a campus grant that will provide event funding for food. WEG requires events to provide Structured Learning in conjunction with items that receive funding.
If you are interested in using a WI Union space for multicultural food events with a third-party vendor, please read the following policy using this link.
WEG funds food in the following cases:
- The business of the event could not be effectively conducted without the inclusion of a meal:
- Event where attendees actively and intentionally learn about a culture through sampling the food
- Event lasts long enough that it is unreasonable to expect attendees to go without a snack or meal
- Event where continuity would be definitively interrupted by breaking up for a meal
- The business of the event is conducted during the meal:
- A networking session, guided discussion, or learning activity during a meal
- A meal-time speaker or performer is scheduled
- The business of the event could not be effectively conducted without the inclusion of a meal:
- Adequate facilities are not available for the event attendees to eat on their own.
The following are examples of instances when WEG DOES NOT fund food:
- A several-day event with Structured Learning on one day and the funding for food requested for a different day
- The funding request is for food that is not for the event attendees, but just for the event planners, presenters, etc.
2) Honoraria (fee for service)
3) Lodging for speakers, performers, or trainers
4) Transportation for speakers, performers, or trainers
5) Program supplies – limited to one-time use supplies only (for example, event attendee name tags)
6) Facility rental – must be an accessible on campus venue
7) Equipment rental
8) Printing
9) Advertising
Items and types of events NOT eligible for WEG funding include:
- Alcohol – no events serving alcohol are eligible for WEG funds
- Tax – WEG funds CANNOT pay taxes in any form for any service or item
- Student travel expenses to attend conferences – see ASM Travel Grant for funding: https://asm.wisc.edu/travel-grants/
- First class air fare – prohibited by State of Wisconsin policy
- Donations to individuals or organization, gifts (including gift cards), and prizes
- Social events – events that are not primarily educational and do not provide Structured Learning based on the Core Values of the Wisconsin Experience are not eligible for funds
Thank you for your interest in the WI Experience Grant! Applications for 2024-2025 academic year are accepted starting August 15th, 2024.
Application Deadlines
Deadlines for WEG applications are due 3:00 PM on the 1st and 15th of each month during the academic year starting in August and ending in May unless funds run out and the application closes early. Check the deadlines for the current academic year below to account for academic breaks.
RSOs must submit their application in time for the deadline that is at least four school weeks before their event and are strongly encouraged to apply earlier.
Online applications must be submitted no later than 3:00 PM on the designated due date. No late applications will be accepted.
Funding decisions will be communicated by the WEG Administrator within four weeks of submitting an application. Queries about application decisions before the four week deadline will not be answered.
For example, for an event on March 13th, the RSO must submit the online application in time for the February 1st deadline because the February 15th deadline is less than a month before their event.
Late submissions will be reviewed following the next deadline period, as long as there is still one month between the next submission date and the event.
For funding requests to bring honorarium speakers, performers, or trainers to the campus, RSOs should apply as early as possible, even months in advance, with one month in advance as the bare minimum due to time needed for University contracts.
Meet THIS deadline | For events held on or AFTER |
August 15 | September 15 |
September 1 | October 1 |
September 15 | October 15 |
October 1 | November 1 |
October 15 | November 15 |
November 1 | December 1 |
November 15 | December 15 |
December 1 | January 1 |
December 15 | January 15 |
December 15* | February 1* |
December 15* | February 15* |
February 1 | March 1 |
February 15 | March 15 |
March 1 | April 1 |
March 1* | April 15* |
April 1 | May 1 |
April 15 | May 15 |
May 1 | June 1 |
*Because the WEG Review Committee does not meet during academic breaks, we ask that applications are sent in further in advance.
Funded Event Final Documentation and Payment Deadlines
All materials are due via the WEG Final Documentation Form within 15 calendar days of the funded event in order to remit payment on the RSO’s behalf.
Payment will not be made more than 30 days after the conclusion of the event or after the end of the Fiscal Year (June 30).
Event Eligibility Requirements
1. Event is held by a currently Registered Student Organization
- All currently registered undergraduate, graduate, and professional student organizations at UW-Madison are eligible.
- The person who submits the WEG application must be both a member of the Registered Student Organization and a currently registered UW-Madison student.
2. Event is free to attend and open to all UW students and/or has the potential for campus-wide impact
- Events must be free and steps must be taken to actively attract the entire campus community.
- The primary audience for the event is UW-Madison students.
- The event must be non-discriminatory on the basis of sex, gender, identity and expression, race ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, religion, color, creed, national origin, disability, ancestry, pregnancy, marital status, or parental status.
- Campus-wide impact means that the entire campus will benefit from the learning outcomes of the event and/or that all students, faculty, and staff who were not in attendance will be able to learn about the outcomes of the event.
- University department co-sponsorship is required if the general public beyond UW students is invited to the event.
- Requests for closed events will only be considered if there is a compelling justification given on the WEG Application.
3. Event includes a Structured Learning Component and Learning Outcome(s) related to a Core Value of the Wisconsin Experience
- Events must support the mission of the University and be educational.
- They must include Structured Learning for students who attend. Structured Learning can include: formal presentations or introductions to aspects of the event, written programs or posters with information about event activities, demonstrations during the event with step-by-step explanations or informative lectures, etc.The Structured Learning must be explained in the WEG Application.
- Learning Outcome(s) must be articulated in the WEG Application: What do you want attendees to know or do as a result of attending the event? What activity will help them learn this? How will you assess if they learned this from the activity?
4. Event is submitted for Leadership Certificate Eligibility through WIN
- Events must be submitted for eligibility for the Leadership Certificate through the WIN platform.
- During the initial creation of the WIN event, simply select the appropriate option from the drop-down menu to indicate this submission. For any inquiries regarding the submission process, please contact leadership@wisc.edu.
5. Event is held at an accessible on-campus location
- Events must be held in an accessible location on campus.
- Requests for off campus facility rental will only be considered if:
- There is a compelling reason why no on campus venue is suitable for the event; and
- The selected off campus facility is accessible.
5. Event has Documentation of seeking a grant from Associated Students of Madison
- Events must seek a grant from Associated Students of Madison (ASM) to fund eligible items and provide documentation that an ASM grant was either secured or denied.
- Apply to ASM Grants here: https://asm.wisc.edu/grants/
6. Event has a Marketing Plan and Timeline
- The event must be publicized at least two weeks in advance and advertising must be accessible to all potential attendees through numerous means.
- All events that receive WEG funding must acknowledge WEG as a co-funder. Events must include the WEG Logo on all advertising for the event and acknowledge WEG support at the event.
7. Event has the capacity and agrees to record attendance using Center for Leadership & Involvement Card Scanners
- The event must be planned so that UW student attendee identification cards (Wiscards) will be scanned in order to provide a record of attendance.
- One way to assure that Wiscards are systematically scanned is to station a volunteer at the entryway(s) to the event.
- Paper sign-in sheets to collect the first name, last name, and email address of attendees without Wiscards must also be used.
8. Event takes measures to ensure Fiscal Accountability and Reduce Costs
- The use of funds for the event must be consistent with Financial Policies for RSOs. For other questions about University Rules and Regulations around university funds, check out the Student Organization Resource & Policy Guide.
A clear and detailed description of the Structured Learning and Learning Outcome(s) for the event is the most important part of the application during the review process.
Structured learning intentionally integrates learning components into the event. Assuming that learning is taking place just by attending the event is not enough. Be intentional about creating a program which directly relates and helps to assure success in meeting your purpose.
For example, if the event is a music concert, then steps to include structured learning could include: a formal introduction, written information in a program, and/or a demonstration of the music followed by a lecture. For another example of how to explain Structured Learning click here.
Events must include a Structured Learning Component directly related to one of the Core Values of The Wisconsin Experience.
Empathy and Humility
Relentless Curiosity
Intellectual Confidence
Purposeful Action
Core values of The Wisconsin Experience are inquiry-based, high-impact practices that characterize the intentional integration of in- and out-of-class learning, by creative and entrepreneurial engagement in real world problems, and through active student leadership. Check out more about The Wisconsin Experience and associated Essential Learning Outcomes here.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) can receive up to $2,000 per year from WEG for events. RSOs can request up to $2,000 per year; only $1,500 for food.
RSOs should only request the amount needed to fund requested items for the event.
Approval of funding is contingent on availability of funds.
WEG seeks to fund as many eligible RSO events as possible each academic year.
Funds will only be paid to a vendor within 30 calendar days of the conclusion of the event and only after the WEG Final Documentation form has been completed and approved. Tax for any items or service can not be paid by WEG.
Items eligible for WEG funding are subject to University and State of Wisconsin regulations and policies.
Application Process
Applicants must apply for WEG funding in time to meet the application deadline that is at least one month before the date of the event for which funds are requested.
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) are encouraged to apply for funding as early as possible; especially if funds are sought for honoraria since university contracting processes take time.
RSOs will receive a funding decision from WEG within four weeks of application.
Applications are reviewed by an independent committee based on the grant’s criteria. The application process is competitive and not all RSOs that apply will receive funding for their events.
Before Applying
1. Verify RSO is currently registered.
2. Verify event meets WEG funding criteria.
3. Verify deadline for applying to WEG, which must be at least four school weeks before the date of the event that an RSO is requesting funds to support.
4. Determine the primary contact for the application who must be a currently registered UW student affiliated with the RSO applying for funds. The primary contact will need to communicate with the WEG Administrator throughout the grant period to answer questions, sign the grant contract, and provide financial documentation.
5. Review WEG Application Requirements.
6. Gather all relevant information to complete the application.
1. Login to the Wisconsin Involvement Network (WIN): win.wisc.edu
2. Go to the Wisconsin Experience Grant page in WIN
3. Click on the Grant Application Form to begin filling it out.
After Applying
1. Verify WEG Committee funding decisions in the application system within four weeks of the application date.
2. If WEG funding has been awarded, the RSO must schedule a meeting with the WEG Administrator to:
- Discuss and sign funding contract
- Discuss and confirm the financial documentation necessary to receive funding
- Discuss and confirm that publicity for the event will include the WEG Logo
- Discuss and confirm the creation of WIN event if not previously made
- Discuss and confirm the submission of Leadership Certificate event request if not previously submitted
- Discuss any ways that the WEG Administrator or CfLI office can assist RSO with meeting goals for the event
3. Submit all event documentation via the WEG Final Documentation form within 15 calendar days of the conclusion of the event.
- No invoice or payment will be processed more than 30 calendar days after the event, or after the end of the Fiscal Year (June 30).
You must use one of the following logos on all advertisements, promotional materials, and publications for a WEG funded event.
Wisconsin Experience Grant Logo
Wisconsin Experience Grant Logo (1 Color)
Wisconsin Experience Grant Logo (Reverse)
Wisconsin Experience Grant Administrator (Primary Contact)
Ridhi Mehra
333 East Campus Mall (3rd Floor)
3155 Student Activity Center
Email Address: weg@studentaffairs.wisc.edu
Wisconsin Experience Grant Committee Chair
Jay King (he/him)
333 East Campus Mall (3rd Floor)
3165 Student Activity Center (SAC)
Email Address: jay.king@wisc.edu
This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels.
Honoraria (Fee for Service) Funding Policy
WEG Honoraria Funding Policy
If honoraria fees are paid for by the Wisconsin Experience Grant, all contractual agreements will be generated and sent by the WEG Administrator and must be signed by the performer or agent at least three weeks prior to appearance. WEG will not fund honorarium requests for contracts signed later than three weeks. Contracts signed by Registered Student Organization representatives are not the responsibility of the WEG Review Committee or the State of Wisconsin.
If the speaker, performer, or trainer is an employee at any UW institution, please ask the WEG Administrator about payment procedures since restrictions are placed on payments to UW employees.
W-9 Form
In addition to a contract, the speaker, performer, or trainer must complete a W-9 for. A W-9 form is used by the university to know who and where money is being paid to. It’s strongly recommend that this form is delivered in-person to the WEG Administrator because the form includes personal information.
If the speaker, performer, or trainer have questions over how to fill out a the W-9 Form, you may find these resources helpful:
- IRS instructional video
- UW Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic for a free consultation
You can download a copy of the W-9 Form using this link.
Entertainment Tax
If the fee for a speaker, performer, or trainer exceeds $3,200 and the individual is not a Wisconsin resident, the fee is subject to a 6% entertainment tax by the State of Wisconsin. The tax is automatically deducted from payment. Speakers, performers, or trainers who are not Wisconsin Residents should be made aware of this deduction.
International Speaker, Performer, Trainer Honoraria Policy
If the speaker, performer, or trainer permanently resides abroad, their fee will also be subject/may be subject to additional income taxes deductions from the fee.
International speakers, performers, or trainers will receive payment only with appropriate VISA status.
Food Funding Policy
WEG Food Funding Policy
**Because of processing and turnaround times, WEG requires that catering orders are placed at least a week in advance of your event. WEG will not fund food for orders placed less than a week in advance of your event!**
The maximum allowable amount for food expenditures through the Wisconsin Experience Grant is a total of $1,500.
Maximum Rates per Person
Meal prices cannot exceed the following maximum rates per person, according to State of Wisconsin Policy. You may find the Business Meal Calculator helpful in estimating how much your meal will cost per person.
- $20 for breakfast,
- $21 for lunch,
- $35 for dinner, or
- $12 for refreshments/breaks.
Tax Exemption
WEG will pay for only the actual cost of the food, not including tax, which is encouraged to be less than the per person maximums listed above (including any delivery or service fees). RSOs are responsible for any tax that is charged on their invoice/receipt.
RSOs are encouraged to seek cost efficient measures such as buffets or box lunches versus catered meals. Other options include buying beverages directly from grocery or discount vendors if the event location allows.
Food Items WEG Does NOT Fund
- WEG does not fund alcohol or RSO events that serve alcohol.
- Home-cooked food is not eligible for funding due to health and safety concerns.
On- and Off-Campus Food Vendors
Some event locations restrict use of outside food vendors. Generally, the Wisconsin Union, University Housing, and UW-Extension require that events held in their facilities must purchase food from their respective catering service. For any exceptions, including specific cultural foods, check with the Wisconsin Union, University Housing, and UW-Extension directly. Please read the following policy on multicultural food from outside food vendors housed in WI Union spaces by clicking this link.
Approved Vendors and ShopUW+
If the event is held in a university facility that allows the purchase of food from an off campus food vendor, the vendor must be licensed and have an Insurance Certificate on file on ShopUW+ via the Jaggaer Supplier Portal, which allows suppliers/vendors to upload their own certificates of insurance and other information in a secured environment to expedite transaction and payment processing.
If ordering from an off-campus vendor, you must include the name(s) of the vendor(s) you’re considering in your application. Because ShopUW+ is not available to students, the WEG Admin must check if the vendor is approved in ShopUW+ for you. If they are not approved, the WEG Admin will work with you to find alternative vendors on ShopUW+ and/or forward the below link to the Jaggaer Supplier Portal so the vendor can start the approval process:
ShopUW+ Essentials Supplier Resources web page is available for vendors to get information on how to become a registered supplier.
Lodging Funding Policy
WEG Lodging Policies
The maximum hotel rate allowable for speakers, performers, or trainers is $131 per night, according to State of Wisconsin policy (no taxes or other fees may be paid by WEG).
Hotels must be located in Madison as speakers, performers, or trainers are only funded by WEG to stay in the City of Madison.
RSOs must obtain quotes for room prices at the State of Wisconsin rate directly from hotels and, if applicable, reservation confirmation numbers to be submitted with the application.
RSOs are encouraged to contact the following locations close to campus with inexpensive rates:
Union South
Phone Number: (608) 263-2600
Lowell Hall
Phone Number: (608) 256-2621
Printing & Advertising Funding Policy
WEG Printing and Advertising Policies
WEG funds advertisements, publicity, and printing expenses including, but not limited to: newspaper and magazine ads, posters, fliers, leaflets, program brochures, quarter-sheets, and graphic design.
Student organizations must include the Wisconsin Experience Grant name and logo on all publicity and promotional materials and failure to do so may result in the loss of the grant or future funding.
Printing Policies
The Wisconsin Experience Grant requires all paper items must be printed through the RSO Print & Resource Center (333 East Campus Mall, 3rd Floor, Suite 3301). The WEG Administrator will coordinate file submission and funds between the Print & Resource Center and the applicant in advance of all printing.
The RSO Print and Resource Center should be consulted first, and if they’re unable to fulfill your request, any university printing/copy center or state vendor may be used:
RSO Print and Resource Center
Phone Number: (608) 263.0365
DoIT Publishing and Print Services
Phone Number: (608) 262-3461
L&S Copy Center
Phone Number: (608) 263-1803
Advertising Policies
For advertisements in print media, student organizations are encouraged to contact newspapers directly to determine ad size and rate quotes:
Daily Cardinal
Phone Number: (608) 262-5854
Badger Herald
Phone Number: (608) 257-4712
Printing and Advertising Items WEG Does Not Fund
WEG does not fund printing or copying by non-state vendors, such as Kinko’s, Bob’s Copy Shop, and Office Max. WEG will not pay tax, if applicable, on any printing or advertising.
Facility & Equipment Rental Policy
WEG Facility and Equipment Rental Policies
Most facility space on campus is free of charge for RSOs through Wisconsin Union Campus Event Services Office (CESO), which can be contacted at phone number (608) 262-2511. Some use of audiovisual equipment is available at no cost to registered student organizations so check out the Student Organization Resource & Policy Guide.
For use of Grainger Hall, contact Reservations at phone number (608) 262-8679.
The Union Theatre, located within Memorial Union, charges for use of its space and can be contacted at phone number (608) 262-1771.
Events in accessible off-campus locations must submit a justification and list any associated fees in the online WEG application.
Transportation Funding Policy - Air Travel
WEG Transportation Funding Policy
WEG funds travel and transportation costs for speakers, performers, or trainers who come to campus for RSO events.
Air Travel Funding Policies
All ticket quotes must be up to date and verified at the time an application is submitted.
RSOs can contact airlines, travel agencies, or check for online travel resources to obtain air-fare estimates. However, the WEG Financial Specialist must purchase the actual ticket through the Concur ticketing system.
Transportation Items WEG Does Not Fund
WEG does not fund first-class air travel for speakers, performers, or trainers per State of Wisconsin policy.
Transportation Funding Policy - University Fleet Vehicles, Buses, Taxis & Tolls
WEG Transportation Funding Policy
WEG funds travel and transportation costs for speakers, performers, or trainers who come to campus for RSO events.
University Fleet Vehicle Funding Policies
RSOs may only use university fleet vehicles if a university department has agreed to sponsor them.
If a university department reserves a fleet vehicle on behalf of an RSO, it must be used only for state or university business and the purpose of the travel must fulfill the university or departmental mission.
When a university department accepts the responsibility of reserving a fleet vehicle for a RSO, the university department should assist with making all necessary arrangements: reservations, driver authorization, and funding.
Rates are determined by size of the vehicle and distance traveled.
Check out the Student Organization Resource & Policy Guide for more information on use of the Car Fleet.
Tolls, Taxis and Commuter Buses Funding Policy
WEG funds reimbursement for speaker, performer or trainer travel including tolls, taxis, and commuter buses with original receipts of purchase.
Transportation Items WEG Does Not Fund
WEG does not fund student travel expenses to conferences.
Transportation Funding Policy - Personal & Rental Vehicles
WEG Transportation Funding Policy
WEG funds travel and transportation costs for speakers, performers, or trainers who come to campus for RSO events.
Mileage reimbursements must be documented by a MapQuest or Google Maps printout or screenshot. A 10% tolerance may be used to account for detours, incidental miles, etc. An explanation must be provided for mileage claims that exceed the direct route by more than 10%. Mileage reimbursement requests for roundtrips of 1,000 miles or greater must be supported by an airfare cost comparison obtained during the trip-planning process. All associated costs must be considered (e.g., additional nights’ lodging, per diem allowance) when determining the final reimbursement amount.
For UW’s full policy on Vehicle Use and Rental, please visit: https://policy.wisc.edu/library/UW-3019.
Personal Vehicle Funding Policies
WEG funds mileage or gas, but not both, for speaker, performer or trainer travel for an on campus RSO event in a personal vehicle.
If 300 miles or less is driven, the speaker, performer, or trainer can be reimbursed at a rate of $0.67 per mile.
If the distance driven is more than 300 miles, the rate is $0.375 per mile.
Gas expenses can be claimed as reimbursement with original receipts of purchase. Scanned receipts/legible original photos are acceptable.
For more information click here.
Rental Car Funding Policies
If WEG funding to cover the cost of a rental car is requested RSOs must contact the WEG Administrator to determine if the expense is allowable and have approval before the event.
WEG does not reimbursements for rental vehicles after the event has occurred.
Transportation Items WEG Does Not Fund
WEG does not fund student travel expenses to conferences.